Life of a Zinnia

We missed last week of our zinnias (because everyone needs a vacation every once in awhile), but we’re back with Week 8! Our zinnias are blooming like crazy, and you can see below what happens when you don’t cut them for a week!


If anyone wants to do a flower order of just zinnias, we are encouraging it! We have plenty! Stop by the stand as well to get bouquets consisting of only zinnias.


This weeks fun fact – zinnias attract butterflies, so they are often used in butterfly gardens! They also attract hummingbirds, so who wouldn’t want to plant these!?


Stay tuned for next week, where we’ll show you how to incorporate zinnias into your meals! Intriguing right? In the meantime, stop by for a mixed bouquet or some sunflowers to brighten up your day!

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Life of a Zinnia


It’s already Week 6 of our zinnias! This week we wanted to showcase each color of the Benary variety that we are growing with a rainbow of zinnias!

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Starting at the top going from left to right are the colors: Deep Red, Scarlet, Orange, Coral, Yellow, Salmon Rose, Pink, Lime, Carmine Rose, Wine, White, Purple, and Lilac.

In addition to these varieties we have a few specialty varieties including two of our favorites, Zinderella and Cupcake! The cupcake variety actually looks like a cupcake, as you can see below.



Another one of my personal favorite specialty zinnias is the Queen Red Lime.


Come by and purchase a bunch of mixed flowers that feature our beautiful zinnias, for only $5! Stay tuned for more news about our zinnias!

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Featured Arrangement: Happy Fourth!

Happy Independence Day!

We hope that everyone is having a great Fourth of July weekend. We are getting ready for our annual barbecue and spicing up our tables with some great red, white, and blue arrangements! For this year’s Fourth of July bouquet, we decided to feature a mix of pinks, purples, and whites, because we don’t have a lot of red flowers right now.


Even though it isn’t exactly red, white, and blue, the classic blue mason jar really ties everything together making it a festive arrangement for the holiday! This simple bouquet consists of the following fillers and flowers:

Orlaya, Sea Holly, Amaranthus, Ageratum, Cosmos

We are obsessed with the cosmos in this arrangement! Some of the petals are skinnier than usual, making them look like stars. Perfect for the Fourth!


If you’ve picked up one of our arrangements for your Fourth of July barbecue, we would love to see how you display it! Post it on our Facebook wall or send us a message! If you’re still looking for some last minute decor, we have bunches on the stand. Enjoy your holiday!


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Life of a Zinnia

It’s Week 5 of our zinnias, and they are looking great! We have a decent amount that have bloomed, and a lot more that are budding. If you haven’t noticed yet, we have started to include them in our mixed arrangements.


They are also looking a little better since the tough wind, and aren’t nearly as leaned over as they were. However, wind continues to be a problem every once in awhile and they’re still a little bit crooked.



It’s incredible how big some of the zinnias have gotten, like the picture above!


We still have a lot more zinnias that will bloom, and they are also sending up longer stems. In a few weeks, each stem will have more of a bouquet and the zinnias will be more abundant!


In addition to the many zinnias that we already have planted, we did a late planting, shown in the above picture. This is because towards the end of the summer, the zinnias that the stem produce will lessen and there is a chance that it could get powdery mildew. When fall rolls around, we will have a whole new batch of zinnias to pick from in case we don’t have a lot left from the other block. We also have some growing in the greenhouse too!

This week’s fun fact: as a variety, zinnias represent friendship or thoughts of an absent friend in the language of flowers. It can also have different meanings depending on the color. If you want to learn more, check out an older post here that details the meaning of the zinnia in Victorian times!

Don’t forget to find us on Facebook! Stay tuned for more updates, and stop by to purchase a bunch of flowers for only $5!

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Featured Arrangements: National Pink Day

For those of you who are not previously aware, today is the unofficial holiday of National Pink Day! We commemorated the day by assembling a pink arrangement, which is also our first featured arrangement of the summer.


We complemented our pink flowers with a pink vase, of course, and the frosted glass makes for a nice texture that brings the whole look together! This arrangement consists of the following flowers:

Pink Flowers: Zinnias, Shrub Roses, Larkspur, Celosia Flamingo Feather, Coral Bells

Fillers: Amaranthus Velvet Curtains, Sedum, Ammi White Lace

This is actually the first appearance of our zinnias in an arrangement! We are going to start including them in our bunches for the stand by this weekend. You can read more about the journey of our zinnias here.


We do not actually grow the roses, but they looked great in my aunt’s yard and we had to include them! Coral bells, shrub roses, and sedum are great perennials for a landscape as well as for use in arrangements.

We also have a few pink/purple arrangements out on the stand right now, if you feel like commemorating the holiday yourself! Only $5 per bunch. We would also love to hear what you think of this featured arrangement, so comment or visit us on our Facebook page here and leave a review!

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Life of a Zinnia

This is Week 4 of our Life of a Zinnia series! Our zinnias are still leaning a little, but they are starting to come around with some fertilizer and less wind. Unfortunately they just can’t seem to catch a break with the weather! Now that the wind is done with, on comes the brutal heat.


We are excited that the stand is finally open, and we are even more excited for when our zinnias are ready! They make an awesome addition to any mixed bouquet with their bright pops of color!

We’ll end our post on another fun fact for you. When Spanish settlers first saw the zinnia flower when they arrived in Mexico, they thought it was ugly and small and named it the “sickness of the eye.” However, today it is a very popular and beautiful cut flower!

One last thing – I want to give a big shoutout to my awesome Dad for Father’s Day! The field would not be possible without him!

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The Stand is Open!

For those of you that have not heard yet, the stand is open for business! As always, it is only $5 per bunch!


Right now we are primarily selling greenhouse sunflowers, as well as some other mixed bunches of flowers. If you’re having a Father’s Day barbecue tomorrow, what better way to decorate than with our flowers?! Stop by in the morning before all the bunches go!


Our field looks great and is blooming away! Check out the pictures of our dianthus and celosia below.


Don’t forget to like us on Facebook for quicker updates, and check back soon to read more about the life of our zinnias! Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!

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Life of a Zinnia

These past few days have been rough for our zinnias! We recently had a massive wind storm that led to power outages all around the area. Since the storm, the wind has been staying strong, which is unfortunate for the flowers.


As you can see above, the zinnias are leaning slightly to the left due to the heavy winds. The weather has calmed down a little bit today, so we are hopeful that they will stay strong!


Disregarding their lean, the zinnias have grown a little more since we checked in with them last week. Not too much longer until they will be on the stand! And speaking of the stand, we are hoping to open this weekend at the latest, possibly sooner. Thank you for all being patient!

Stay tuned for more about the life of a zinnia! Until then, here’s a quick little fun fact for you! Zinnias were named after Johann Gottfried Zinn, who is a famous German botanist. Another botanist, Carolus Linnaeus, named it the zinnia in his honor.

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Droning the Flower Field

Check out our latest video! This was taken not long after the field was all planted. We’re excited to compare this video to another one later in the season to see the difference!

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